Associate Dean of Pharmacy and Nutrition
Appointment: The Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Affairs is appointed to the position by the President, on recommendation the Provost and Vice-President Academic, who in turn has received a recommendation from a College Search Committee. The appointment will begin July 1, 2016.
Term: The term of office normally takes effect July 1, is for five years and is renewable, with the possibility of a subsequent five-year term, on recommendation of a Search Committee and the Dean. Following a second five-year term, the incumbent may reapply through an open search process.
Mandate: Reporting to the Dean of Pharmacy and Nutrition, in addition to meeting scholarship expectations of a regular faculty member, the Associate Dean Research and Graduate Affairs:
- Provides academic and administrative leadership for the success of the College’s research enterprise.
- Provides academic and administrative leadership in the planning, implementation and assessment and ongoing accreditation of high quality graduate programs, and the recruiting of students of excellence to the programs. This is done in consultation with the Associate Dean Academic (please see 4.1.2).
- Contributes to senior administration of the College via the Executive Committee.
- Supervises the College Office staff members who support the graduate and research programs.
- Takes responsibility for special projects and events that arise in relation to graduate academic programming; or are assigned by the Dean related to the graduate and/or research portfolio.
- Represents or ensures the College is represented on University and external bodies and events related to research and graduate affairs.
- Serves as Acting Dean in the absence of the Dean.
The Research and Graduate Affairs Committee, for which the Associate Dean RGA is Chair, provides support for some of the responsibilities listed above. When the Associate Dean is unavailable for more than a week, s/he arranges for an Acting Associate Dean.
Qualifications: The Search Committee recognizes that no one individual will possess all of the following qualifications in equal measure; nevertheless, the successful candidate will be expected to possess:
- A solid record in terms of research and graduate education
- A sound understanding of research funding programs, resources and opportunities
- Good understanding of the climate in health science research, locally, nationally and internationally
- Leadership and administrative abilities, and commitment to consensus-building and accountability
- Strong interpersonal skills
- Eligible for membership in the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
Benefits: The Associate Dean will be provided with an administrative stipend, a professional accountable expense fund, a Health and Wellness spending account, teaching relief, a budget for special projects or initiatives and will be eligible for administrative leave.
Applications and Nominations: Applications and nominations, in the form of a letter, should indicate the candidate’s strengths and why he/she is a strong candidate for this position.
Short-listed candidates will be interviewed by the Search Committee, and will be expected to give a 20-25 minute presentation to faculty, staff and other members of the University community, about their vision for College research and graduate education. The Search Committee will begin considering candidates after February 15, 2016.
To ensure consideration, written nominations, applications, or expressions of interest should be directed by February 15, 2016, in confidence, to:
Search Committee, Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Affairs
College of Pharmacy and Nutrition
Room E3126 Health Sciences Building
104 Clinic Place
Saskatoon, SK
S7N 2Z4
Or via email to:
[email protected]